1620hrs – Call from Rab Barrie to advise Northern have placed offer of help to Cumbria Police in relation to a missing person. Scottish region to check availability for a boat crew (4 staff)
1622hrs – Text message sent to all ops staff requesting availability for potential search by Paul Baxter
1625hrs – Reply from those contacted
1625hrs – 4 staff available; Willie McMartin; Rab Barrie; Jamie Buchanan; David Dawson
1627hrs – Offer accepted; Willie McMartin issued instruction to mobilise with RV set for Bo’Ness Fire Station. Telephone call made to staff to advise on instruction
1630hrs – Willie McMartin called to advise Ambulance will move with Zeegul; He will use his vehicle to tow Pioneer allowing for team to split into two locations if required.
1632hrs – Willie McMartin called to advise missing person had been lost since 2200hrs on Tuesday 18 Aug. No blue lights will be used to travel.
1632hrs – All staff arrived and now en route to location
1740hrs – Contact from John Wilkinson to Willie McMartin explaining he had arrived at the Police station. Coastguard advise search now scaling down, unlikely to need IRC input. Willie McMartin stood teams (Scotland and Northern) down
1905hrs – Call from Willie McMartin to advise boat and vehicles returned and all staff en route home.
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