A call was received from Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service at approx 19.50hrs stating that they required a boat as a man had been seen floating face down in the River Forth, near to the Kincardine Bridge (The request for IRC to attend had been made by Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service as the location was on their border with Fife Fire and Rescue Service) .

On arrival, we liaised directly with the on scene Incident Command Unit from Fife Fire and Rescue, and with a local Fire Officer from Central Scotland Fire and Rescue.
We were advised that the local coastguard had just launched a boat, however this was only a very short term measure as it had been decided by them that the light was not sufficient to carry out any search work safely. A search and rescue helicopter arrived and searched the local area for a period of time before the search was called off.

A decision would be made at first light the next day to see what search work, if any, would be carried out.

The team disbanded, the boat and equipment returned to Bo’ness Fire Station and the control room of Central Scotland Fire and Rescue were contacted at 10.30hrs to officially stand the team down.

A body was located 2 weeks later by a member of the public approximately one mile from the location where he entered the water.


A Macdonald – Team Leader
J S Anderson
G Wicks
A Goldie
P Wilson


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